
The Art of Perseverance

Perseverance is powerful. It is a core element for turning dreams into reality. Being persistent and constant will take you as far as you want. Being determined to achieve something and following through every step of the way, no matter how hard, regardless of the obstacles, is an almost guaranteed success.

Although there is nothing wrong with leaving a path or a tactic after sincerely evaluating if it is worth your time and energy, here we will talk about those scenarios where, after careful evaluation, you have decided that they are worth the effort and will get you closer where you want to be. Sometimes, we have to quit the method but not the goal, which is an integral part of the evaluation.

At Freelance Latin America, we value perseverance. We encourage our freelancers to persevere in what they believe in, not only in their jobs with us but also in starting independent projects and doing their best to succeed at both. We wanted to highlight this important value in June by having it as the center of our monthly workshops with the whole team. And we shared this definition: 

Data entry clerk with attention to detail

“Perseverance is the quality of continuing with something even though it is difficult. It is an essential character trait for a person to succeed in life.

It means determination to work hard regardless of any odds or obstacles. It is to insist and to be firm on getting something done and not giving up.”

We know it is easier to set a goal than to accomplish it. But there are ways to help you persevere until you finally reach the finish line. So, as we did with our freelancers, we will share some tips for persevering.

Clarify Your Goal

You may know what you want. Being successful, right? But that is not very clear. How can you get to a place if you don’t have a clear vision of where you want to go? You might get there, but it would be by accident, not a choice. Most likely, the path that got you there was neither the shortest nor the most efficient.

Those ups and downs without a purpose can be very demotivating, making it harder for you to persist. 

What should you do? Make it clear and specific. Make it SMART. Most importantly, give it a purpose that moves you based on your needs and abilities. That way, you will have the resources to achieve it and the meaning to fulfill it.

Show Up For Yourself

Let’s be honest: not even those motivational speakers are motivated at all times and every single day. But here is when having a purpose and some discipline come in handy. You must show up and do what you must, even if you don’t like it. Because, in the long run, those not-so-motivated days when you stood up and said, I’m going to do this anyway, are the ones that will make the most significant difference.

Most people give up too soon to know if their project would have succeeded. So, make a plan and stick to it. If you believe your purpose is worth the effort, then persevering and making the effort is only natural. Remember that the rock makes a hole in the stone through perseverance, not force.

Cultivate A Network Of Support

Surround yourself with people who have your best interest at heart and will be your cheerleaders when necessary. Having someone you trust as a confidant is a healthy choice. Not only will you have someone to brainstorm with, but you will also be able to open up and share your feelings with.

Listening to somebody else with a different perspective is fantastic for growing and being reminded that we are not alone. Let others inspire you. Have a network of people willing to support you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Encourage Yourself

You may face critiques, rejection, and much more. The critical part here is to be resilient. Persevere, remember why you started. Dealing with opposition and the bumps on the road is never easy. That is why we need to have a positive inner dialog to convince ourselves that even though this door got shut in our faces, we can always look for a window opening. 

Most of the time, the biggest challenge that makes people quit is not an external discouragement but an inner one. Negative thoughts are pretty standard, which doesn’t mean they are invincible. Know yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses.

Be an objective scientist when evaluating your progress, and don’t take criticism as a personal offense. There are ways to improve. Be aware of your thought process and self-dialog, and stop it if it starts getting negative. At that moment, remember your accomplishments and how far you have come. Celebrate your goals and be your cheerleader.

Try New Things

Every experience in life is a learning opportunity. And what better way to succeed rather than trying and learning new things? This will give you new perspectives and help you think outside the box. It might sound crazy, but going to a new place for dinner might help you with a business problem. Why? Because every experience will teach you something if you look at it carefully enough.

You might find that the waitress jokes about the wine, which triggers the thought that you may need to take a day off to avoid burnout. If you want to persevere, you need to approach the problems in many different ways. Not always will you find an easy answer.

Your proposal on the project will not always be accepted on the first try. But keep going, change your approach, and try again.

Slow but steady, sometimes fast and not moving at all at other times… Progress is not a linear thing. But don’t let any step back, any closed door, take you away from achieving your goal. So, what are you waiting to persevere in what you believe in?

See more articles by Laura Navarro.