Here's how you can hire a freelancer

Schedule a meeting with our Business Manager

Find the right talent for your industry

Discover some positions remote workers can fill within your business. Maximize productivity and unleash your company’s full potential with our skilled and flexible workforce.

Choose the service that fits you best

Fully managed services

You can save thousands of dollars on costs by hiring all our recommended services. Businesses like yours rely on our expertise to handle these operations:
Recruitment Management

➜ Interview as many freelancers as you need from our extensive database at no cost
➜ Evaluate the candidates for specific skills during the recruitment process, if needed
➜ No payment required until a start date is confirmed

IT Management

➜ High-tech Equipment for your remote workers (computer, headset, and more)
➜ Available IT Support during your freelancers' shift
➜ Immediate equipment replacement in case needed

HR Management

➜ Monthly work satisfaction and performance surveys
➜ Birthday and work anniversary celebrations
➜ Freelancer of the Month ceremony (voted by peers) and club memberships

Payment Solutions

➜ Pay directly to our American company through Credit Card, Paypal, Wise
➜ Forget about Foreign Tax Forms
➜ You make just one payment; we take care of your freelancers' payroll

Office Spaces

➜ 24/7 available private or shared working spaces
➜ Secure and monitored work environment
➜ High-speed and reliable Internet connection

One-time Recruitment fee

Recruitment Services

➜ Share your business needs and have access to our extensive database of skilled, latin-american freelancers
➜ Interview as many freelancers as you need
➜ Evaluate their skills
➜ Hire the best fit
➜ Pay only when you hire a freelancer
➜ Have a direct work relationship with the freelancer

This is how you can hire a freelancer

It’s simple. You share your needs with us. We’ll send you a group of our best candidates for you to evaluate. Choose the best fit. Hire!

Step 1.

Tell us what you’re looking for by filling out a short form for free.

Step 2.

Our Business Manager will process your request, and present you an offer through a scheduled meeting.

Step 3.

The Recruitment Team will find the best candidates for your request. We will conduct preliminary interviews and psychological tests on the prospects.

Step 4.

Interview as many freelancers as you like in a recorded video meeting.

Step 5.

Hire the best candidate and save up to 90% on staff costs.

Step 6.

Select any extra services you want: High-tech equipment upgrades, access to private or shared office spaces.


What are the payment methods?

As one of the benefits of hiring fully managed services, you will be able to do one single payment a month, no matter how many freelancers are working with you.

You can pay with autopay by ACH directly through payment portal. If you would like to pay with a credit card a 2.9% fee transaction is added.

If you don’t wish to use this payment method, we offer additional alternatives. These alternatives must comply with the established payment terms time.

How are vacations, holidays, and days off handled?

Each business decides individually how to handle vacations, holidays, and days off for their remote staff. Since your hired talent is legally freelance, you may offer benefits that suit your company’s culture and budget.

How is the onboarding process?

On their first day, all new freelancers receive an office tour. They also meet with our corporate team to go through the policies, culture, and core values required for working remotely.

What time zone are you in?

Our main offices are located in time zones UTC-3 (Argentina), UTC -4 (Venezuela, EST), UTS -5 (Colombia, CST). But the staff you hire can adapt to your schedule needs. We have talent available even during overnight shifts.

Click below to check our time zone and how it fits you.

Time and Date Zone Converter

Can I work directly with my freelancer?

We encourage you to work with your remote staff as if they were part of your on-site team. We advise you to include them in your phone numbers directory, so you have full access to their work calls and messages.


  • Create a corporate email for them.
  • Add them to your group chat.
  • Make them feel part of your team.
Do I have to commit to a long period of time?

No, you may terminate the agreement at any time by giving just 30 days’ notice. However, we strive to cultivate long-term partnerships.

Take a Look at the Complete FAQs File Here

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