Regardless of how great your service or product is, there will always be someone who will have complaints about it. And it doesn’t really matter whether they found something not working, need help getting their accounts ready, or messed up something themselves.
The thing that matters is to get their problems solved. It’s a reality to say that not many technical teams think about customer support, and this matter can turn a happy customer into an angry one overnight. The truth is that it costs five to 25 times as much to attract a new customer as to keep an existing one.
Satisfied customers are the backbone of any company’s success. So, it’s unnecessary to say how important it is to keep your customers happy. Any business needs a regular money flow to survive, and to keep this going you need customers that want to repeat business with you, even spread good reviews about you.
Having an IT help desk can make the difference between a company merely surviving to a successful one and in this article, we’re going to mention some ways in which having a support IT help desk can help you improve your company and simplify things in the office.
Improve Customer Satisfaction
All successful businesses share a common goal: to ensure the highest possible customer satisfaction at all times. Creating positive customer experiences while staying true to the company culture is essential to reaching that goal.
With the presence of an IT help desk, you can turn each received call into a customer interaction experience. This can help you get a better insight into how to improve your products or services through the customer’s eyes.
Having a help desk system allows the IT department to sort out issues, in a way that they can categorize or prioritize the tasks to get a better sequence about what to work on. This kind of workflow will give the techs the possibility to have a better use of their time, improving your work team’s efficiency.
Customize to Meet Your Specific Needs
Every help desk ticket structure includes a title and a description of each issue. However, for more detailed information and to get better categorization of custom fields.
These fields could be about the department, location, specific client preferences, etc., then the system will create a report based on that data.
Happier Workforce
Dealing with angry customers is no joke and not having an expert customer support staff could make things a lot more difficult for you. It’s through the dedication of an IT help desk that you can get the possibility of having each client’s call as pleasant as possible.
With the support staff skills designed to calm even the angriest of clients, and their experience in handling complaints and solving issues, your company will have a lot less to worry about. As a result, your entire company workforce will be improved.
Improve Overall Workflow
The systems used by help desks can help you track metrics, which means you have the possibility to recognize patterns or repeated issues as well as the time each tech spends solving each of them. This will allow you to know which tech solves a specific type of issue faster so that you can make a match between tech and that type of issue for maximum efficiency.
Easier Employee Training
When using an IT help desk you can always have the option to record as many calls as you want to. You can get even more value from this option, not only using it to monitor the development of your team but also to use it as training material.
The moment a new member of the team arrives, you can give them a few recorded calls to listen to so that they can get the hang of the situation and the work dynamics faster.
Improvement in overall Operational Procedures
Using an IT help desk means constantly getting reviews (positive and negative) from your clients and the more your company learns from your customer support team, the more client-focused improvements you can make to your operational procedures.
Always Making Due Dates
The setting, tracking, and communicating process for the issues to solve changes with an IT help desk, since this system allows you to make a follow-up close for each one. Letting you know who’s addressing the problem and when will it be solved. Due dates are something you can assign either automatically or manually, this helps the techs to know what needs to be solved and when, so that they can plan out their work to get it done.
In the end, as we established before, having an IT help desk actively listening to customers and working constantly to solve their issues is key to granting good customer satisfaction rates. And as we know, high customer satisfaction rates are essential for a company’s success.
See more articles by Paola Rodríguez