
Why Should You Hire Remote Talent From South America?

If you are reading this it means that you are already aware of the benefits outsourcing staff can bring to your business, and now you’re wondering if FreelanceLatam is the right choice.

With so many other companies to choose from, why should you go with Freelance Latin America? – That’s a great question and one that I’d be more than happy to answer.

FreelanceLatam was born out of an idea, the win-win mindset.

Our main focus is our clients, we want all of our clients to find value in our service, and for that, we focus on bringing the most qualified freelancers we can find, at a cost-effective rate, so that your new acquisition will not only be a great asset to your company but also one that will save you, at the same time, lots of money in the process. 

The win-win deal is our core foundation, our mission.

  • “To make win-win deals improving people’s lives by helping freelancers and businesses worldwide achieve their goals, working with quality and cost-effectiveness in an innovative environment.”

By following that mission, each day, we are growing more and more, and we are one step closer to fulfilling our goal, which is to be the largest outsourcing organization in Latin America that provides the best service experience. 

In just a few years, our company has gone from hiring 15 qualified freelancers to more than 100. Each day, our team grows more and more, and we are thankful for all the companies that find value and put their trust in us; we love forming part of your businesses and endeavors and helping you reach your goals and overcome hurdles.

That’s just a little bit of our story, a story that will continue for a long time and one that we’d love to have you write with us. 

If that wasn’t enough to convince you to hire your next employee with us, then let me give you 9 more reasons why you should hire from Freelance Latin America.

Reasons To Hire from Freelance Latin America

1. Venezuelan Talent

It’s not a secret that Venezuela’s economic situation is not in a good state right now. Due to that most Venezuelan professionals are not being paid enough locally for their high-quality work. We didn’t want our country’s most valuable asset, our people, to go to waste and to feel like their jobs didn’t matter because they didn’t find value in what they did.

That’s why we brought the alternative of remote work. We help qualified professionals reach top international companies (that’s you) that are looking for the best candidate. 

So, if you are looking for someone who’s dedicated, hardworking, and an expert at what they do, then you should set your sights on Venezuela, there you’ll not only find great views and beaches, but also great people, amazing employees, and maybe even your next business partner. All of that at a very affordable rate.

2. Similar Time Zones  

Now that we are talking about Venezuela, it’s worth mentioning that our time zones are pretty similar when compared to the US.

Let’s not forget that time zones are a big issue when outsourcing to another country, places like India and China have different time zones when compared to The US, and this time difference can cause misunderstanding when delivering results, reporting, etc. 

However, when compared to the Latin American timelines, the difference is either very little or completely inexistent. This significantly reduced time difference allows much lesser response time between teams, enables a quicker resolution of issues, and improves synchronicity and cooperation with your team, which allows better accountability and improved results. 

Communication is commonly one of the biggest cons when considering outsourcing. However, choosing Latin American countries completely eradicates this issue. 

3. Reach Bigger Audiences

When it comes to communicating with your audience, we can help you improve that part of your business as well! Our freelancers are not only bilinguals but also multilingual. We have some freelancers that speak not only English and Spanish, but also French, Portuguese, and Italian.

And when we talk about The US, being such a big country as it is, and also being so close to Mexico, we know that it has a really big percentage of Spanish-speaking population. Around 13% of its population are native Spanish speakers. 

This means considering bilingual staff for positions such as customer service, sales representative, sales development, etc. Will only improve the chances of better connecting with customers and possible leads, allowing you to focus on nurturing a different target persona and, hopefully, help you build the steps to a possible international expansion. 

Why wouldn’t you outsource a worker who, by speaking fluently in at least two languages, can help you connect with double the customers? 

The choice is yours. 

4. English Proficiency

Believe it or not, English proficiency is one of the main reasons for outsourcing to Latin America. English as a second language is a hot topic in Latino American countries, many Latinos aspire to work for international companies and so the percentage of Latin American citizens learning English is on the rise.

This is one of the reasons why Latin American countries have started investing more in English language training, surpassing countries like China and India when it comes to English proficiency. 

More and more Venezuelans are making English a part of their daily lives, whether it is to travel or to work, and we have plenty of expert English speakers who would love to work with you! 

5. Quick And Diverse Hiring

One of the biggest advantages of hiring with us is our big database, we have many profiles waiting for you to check them and make the call. 

As soon as you reach out to us and give us the information about the profile you’re looking for we’ll send you many different profiles that align with your vision of the perfect candidate. From there, you’ll need to check the profiles and tell us about the candidates you’re most interested in.

If everything goes quickly and easily on your side, we’ll have you interviewing the candidates in less than 5 business days from the moment you first contacted us. 

If you are pressured for more staff, give us a call! We can introduce you to your next favorite employee in just a couple of days of work! 

However, that doesn’t mean we only focus on quick hiring. If your company needs various interviews and tests to filter out the right people, we’ll accompany you on that journey as well. Thankfully, we have plenty of different potential candidates in our database for you to go through as many people as you want before making the decision. 

Just let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll help you make your dreams a reality. So, if you’re looking for something incredible, you have found the right place because awesomeness happens here! 

6. Equiped Freelancers

One of the main things companies worry about the most when hiring remote workers is verifying if they have the right equipment to work at the company. Think about it, you might be missing a great employee just because that person doesn’t have at hand the tech needed to work with you.

That worry is 100% eliminated if you hire a candidate with us; we provide all of our Freelancers with the necessary tools and equipment to make sure the job is done; whatever you think your new freelancer will need, we’ll have it.

Also, when hiring from Latin America, companies should take a lot at the place where their freelancers are going to work. The regular Latin American household may not have the necessary equipment to make it a workplace (stable internet connection, power backups, noise-canceling areas, etc).

We take care of these issues by providing many offices in different parts of the city (and the world) that our freelancers can attend to whenever they need it, maybe for their regular 9 to 5 or just in case of an emergency, our doors are open 24/7! 

By hiring with us you’ll not only get people with expertise but also the right tools and place needed to achieve results.

7. A Healthy Workspace

A healthy workplace provides physical, psychological, social, and organizational conditions that protect and promote the health and safety of all workers of a company. A healthy workplace is the ideal place to work in.

Healthy workspaces are essential for every successful company, but it can be challenging for many organizations to achieve. Yet, despite the difficulty, companies continue to strive for a healthy workplace both physically and virtually. 

If you hire us, we are going to do half of the work for you, provide healthy and clean spaces where freelancers can work and also relax, give our freelancers benefits and remunerations based on their good work, and have open communication so that they can express their doubts, recommendations, or request, and much more. 

A healthy workplace brings positive changes for companies and employees, and you’ll not be alone in your battle to create one. 

We offer our freelancers the best space layout and up-to-date equipment for employees and leaders working both on-site and remotely to optimize their work routines and keep them satisfied. Also with our many programs, activities, and policies that promote healthy habits and community building, we avoid workplace toxicity and help improve the mental health of your freelancers. 

A healthy workplace does more than just make a company look good in the eyes of employees and customers.

Cultivating a healthy workplace improves the lives of the members of the organization as it allows them to work at their best state physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

Having a healthy workplace means having happy employees, and happy employees will bring many benefits to your business. 

8. Happy Employees

Employee happiness and morale directly affect productivity. Happier employees are more engaged. Engaged employees show increased productivity as well as a far lower rate of absenteeism from work. A healthy work environment matters.

A positive work culture encourages employee friendships, improves personal well-being, and ultimately benefits your bottom line.

Employee happiness comes with many benefits, let me tell you just a few of them.

  1. Happiness encourages creativity. Being happy helps creativity since it frees up space in our brains and helps raise people’s mental flexibility, thereby increasing the chance of them combining unrelated elements to create something new.
  2. Happy employees equal lower costs. Although many of us could probably guess that happy employees are healthier, it’s a fact that unhappy employees take significantly more sick leaves, staying home on average of 1.25 days more a month, equivalent to 15 extra sick days per year.
  3. Happy employees provide better service. If your employees are happy, they’ll deal with customer complaints with more attention and care than the average worker, something that can make the difference between a lost customer and a returning one.
  4. Happy employees are more productive. When your employees are happy, they are more energetic and enthusiastic. As a result, they exhibit greater productivity at work, and having a productive workforce is one of the significant goals business leaders like you strive for, isn’t it? So, increasing employee happiness can help you fulfill your dream of cultivating a productive workforce.
  5. Happy employees stay. We live in a time when employee turnover has become a concern for most employers. In the past, it was expected that employees would stay in their jobs for an extended period—even as long as 20 or 30 years. In today’s world, however, it’s common for employees to spend just one or two years at a company before moving on to another opportunity that offers a better work culture.

Keeping your employees happy is a win-win deal, and it’s a goal that we can help you achieve. 

If you want to know more benefits that keeping your employees happy can bring to your business, wait a bit more because we have more and more articles in the oven! 

9. Cost-effectiveness

Lastly, one of the best benefits of hiring with us is our cost-effectiveness. 

Cost-effectiveness is one of the values we are proud of the most in Freelance Latin America. And even though it shouldn’t be the only factor when considering outsourcing, we are aware that it plays an important role when making the final decision.

Fortunately, this is one of the strongest benefits of outsourcing to Latin America. It can be in tech, customer service, sales, administrative positions, etc. We are proud of bringing value to our clients, we are proud of giving them cost-effective solutions to their needs.

What Else Can You Ask For?

When hiring with Freelance Latin America you’ll not only get the perfect candidate for your business at a cost-effective price, but also all the benefits listed in this article, and much more! 

We always strive to give our clients what they want and more, so that they are always satisfied with our service, that is the principle we follow and stand for and that is the foundation of our win-win business strategy

What are you waiting for?

The only thing you’re missing is to take that step and hire your first freelancer with us! And believe me, once you get one, you’ll want a lot more.

See more articles by Ender Cárdenas.