
8 Tips to Create a Corporate Blog

In case you did not know if your company does not have a blog is synonymous with failing in business, creating a corporate blog has become one of the most important priorities for every company in the world. And above all, those who want to be successful.

Creating a blog is such a serious topic, it has been seen repeatedly in recent years and many companies are creating blogs. Therefore, the strategy now is not just to create a blog, but to keep it updated.

Because of this, marketers have been forced to think about how often they should post to attract a specific audience, so, according to some studies, Internet users visit 7 to 10 blogs a day, hence, there comes the importance of being present on the web with a blog.

So, in this way, the first step is to plan absolutely all the content that you want to show on your corporate blog, for that, it is important to add a good content strategy in your marketing plan, but, in Freelance Latin America we recommend to start by creating your editorial calendar.

In this calendar, you should not only include the monthly publications of your blog, but also the social networks in which you plan to spread all your content, so it is essential to remember that social networks have become an important part of the world and are the more effective channels to reach more audiences, because of that, act as a dissemination tool on your blog.

Once you know the relevance of the blog for your company, you must know the most important steps to create a perfect one. Do you want to know how? In Freelance Latin America we show you the essential keys to create a corporate blog.

Get The Most Out Of Your Emails

You might find it cliché, but did you know that email is one of the most effective channels with which to capture leads and reach your audience easier?

So, if you want to attract more users to your blog, we recommend you carry out email marketing strategies the objective is to get data and thus be able to regularly send communications to generate engagement with customers.

Likewise, this speed in obtaining data will allow you to send more personalized and segmented messages. This translates into better results, with an increase in traffic and visits to your blog.

Get To Know Your Target Audience

Starting to create a corporate blog without knowing your audience is one of the most serious mistakes that you should avoid. How are you going to create content without knowing what your audience is like? In this way, it becomes difficult to solve problems or meet their needs.

This is why you must know your audience. Only in this way, you will have guarantees that your content reaches the right people. Various techniques allow you to get to know users. But, the most effective is to create your buyer persona with a specific profile.

Post Frequently

A group of freelancers working at the office

One of the most important aspects of corporate blogging is, when creating a business blog, you will have to spend hours and hours dedicating time to it, and otherwise you will most certainly not get positive results.

There is no specific frequency that must be followed since everything depends on each business and objectives. However, consistency is where the key is. Do not overdo it or abandon it too much.

To organize and plan this frequency of your publications, it is recommended that you have an editorial calendar.

Constantly Update The Contents

As we have been telling you, having a business blog is not only worth creating it and leaving it there. To continue generating interest in your audience, you must offer new things. And this is only achieved by constantly updating your content.

If your users access your blog and find the same content as a few months behind, they will stop reading and abandon it that easily, you should know that people like to find out about everything and the latest, so please don’t stay behind. The blog can be an opportunity to capture leads, and this is convenient for your business, remember.

For those regular users, it will not be enough to offer them updated content. If what you want is to keep them over time and achieve conversions, you must provide them with a well-differentiated value.

Include a Good Landing Page

You can easily have a blog that gets very good visits and a lot of traffic, but if you don’t have a landing page, you won’t be able to generate income, and if you don’t generate income, what’s the point of all this?

In digital marketing, as in any business, the objective is to sell, how? Exchanging. This conversion can occur through a subscription, registration, purchase, download, etc. But, if you don’t add that button, you will hardly get that action.

The landing page is the page where the user will perform and complete that action. This is why it is essential to have one on the blog, for example.

Create an Original Corporate Blog

So, if you don’t want your company to be like the rest, you should be original and unique. Besides, the Internet is a world full of blogs and countless content. Infinity, believe me. So, to stand out, think of different, creative, and nonexistent ideas.

To keep your audience entertained, you should devise a prior strategy on the topics to be discussed.

  • Humor: Humor topics always work. In this world full of problems, users seek to disconnect from the Internet, and what better way than to make them laugh? Is there anything better than laughing?
  • Emotions: in recent years there has been an increase in this type of content. It has been shown that emotions reach the public quickly and empathy is so great that it invites a conversion.
  • Get to the point: the time a person has is so limited that you must offer simplified and summarized content.
  • Brand identity: in addition to textual content, it offers visuals that relate to your brand identity and values.
A pair of hands typing on a laptop

Base Your Posts On Rich Media Content

We will give you some advice from Freelance Latin America, and that is, to get the immediate attention of the audience, you must create different content, the texts may be very correct but they are not enough, always look for a way to take a step ahead and show something out of the ordinary, and with this, you will hook your users like Russell Westbrook do on the board. Amazing right?

Then, the actions in Rich Media format are ideal to achieve it. They offer you varied content such as videos and images. They bet on dynamic content, leaving behind the old things.

This type of advertising offers innovative formats (moving images and videos, flyers) which will allow you to interact more easily with your users. With these formats, you will be able to add value to your brand and it will be reinforced.

User Experience Is Everything

If there is something to be clear about, it is that navigation on your blog should be easy and fluid. If from the beginning, the person is not able to move and scroll through the site, you will already be creating a bad user experience.

So it is important to aim for users to have a good experience on your blog and convert from a visit to a sale or to hire your services, in this way, you will have to show the way to achieve it.

Indeed, a simple tour is what will make this happen easily. Whether they fill in a form, download a file, or buy a product, the process should be intuitive and easy for your Internet usage. You must take into account a series of factors such as the structure of the web, length of the texts, designs, and links, among others, to create a good user experience.

See more articles by Carlos Villalobos