
How to Balance Freelance Work and Parenting Like a Pro

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a global shift towards remote work, forcing many families to adjust to new routines. This change has been challenging, as they must balance their work responsibilities in the freelancing business while caring for their children.

As a result, many freelancers have had to adapt their work schedules, routines, and strategies to confirm they can continue working while meeting their family needs.

However, freelancing with kids is not a new concept, and there are ways to make it work. In this article, we’ll explore what it’s like to be a freelancer with kids, and what challenges one may face, along with advice on how to balance your freelance career and personal life, especially your own hours and family responsibilities.

The Reality Of Freelancing With Kids

Imagine waking up to your toddler’s cries, making breakfast, and then starting your workday. You spend your day toggling between your work tasks and your child’s needs, often interrupted by their demands for attention, food, or playtime.

You may have to take breaks to feed them, change their diapers, or put them down for a nap. As the day or week progresses, you may become more tired, stressed, or frustrated, wondering how you may be finishing all your work and still taking care of your child.

This scenario may sound overwhelming, but it’s the reality for many freelancers with kids. Whether they work from home or in an office, freelancers with children face unique challenges that traditional employees may not experience. 


Freelancers with children must juggle their work deadlines, meetings, and client expectations with their children’s needs, schedules, and development. Managing finances, taxes, and marketing efforts while also, fulfilling parenting responsibilities can be a daunting challenge for freelancers with children. Without a clear boundary between work and home life, the various responsibilities that freelancers with children must manage can result in significant stress and pressure.

One of the biggest challenges for freelancers with kids is setting boundaries between work and family. It can be tempting to work during evenings or weekends to catch up on tasks or meet deadlines for freelance projects, but this can lead to burnout and neglecting your family.

To overcome these challenges, freelancers with kids need to create a dedicated workspace and establish clear rules and routines to set boundaries for work and family time. Having a separate room or area for working can help you focus and reduce interruptions during working hours.

Also, signal to your family that you are working and you should not be interrupted unless it’s an emergency. Setting specific work schedules and communicating them with your family can also help everyone respect your boundaries and avoid conflicts.

Here are some tips and interesting facts on how to have an easy-going life as a freelancer with kids:

Create A Dedicated Workspace

Having a dedicated workspace can help freelancers to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This space should be free from distractions, comfortable, and equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment for work. By having a designated workspace, freelancers can easily transition between work and family, reducing the stress of balancing work and family responsibilities.

Outsource When Possible

Balance freelance work and parenting

Outsourcing can be a lifesaver for freelancers with kids. Tasks such as accounting, bookkeeping, and social media management can be outsourced to professionals, freeing up time for freelancers to focus on their own projects and core business activities and spend more time with their children.

A survey conducted by Upwork and Freelancers Union in 2019 found that 43% of freelancers have children who are under 18 years old, indicating that freelancing can be a feasible option for parents seeking to balance work and family responsibilities. Freelancing allows parents to have a more flexible work schedule, and be more present for their children’s milestones and activities.

So, Hiring a babysitter, a house cleaner, or a virtual assistant can help you free up time and energy for work or family activities. For example, if you have an upcoming deadline, you can hire a babysitter to watch over your kids while you work.

If you have a big project with many administrative tasks, you can hire a virtual assistant to handle them for you. Outsourcing can be a valuable investment in your career and your family’s life, as it can reduce job stress and increase productivity.

Involve Your Children In Your Work

Involving your children in your freelance work can be a great way to spend time with them while also introducing them to the world of work. By giving them small tasks to help you with, you can not only spend quality time and lighten your workload but also teach them about responsibility, time management, and teamwork.

For example, if you’re a freelance artist, you can involve your children in the creative process by asking them to help you brainstorm ideas or select color schemes for your artwork. If you’re a freelance writer, you can ask your children to proofread your work for errors or even ask for their feedback on your writing.

Not only does involving your children in your work process create a sense of responsibility, but it also fosters a sense of teamwork and can strengthen your bond with your children. By working together towards a common goal, you can teach your children the importance of collaboration and the value of hard work.

It’s important to remember that involving your children in your freelance work should be age-appropriate and not interfere with their schoolwork or extracurricular activities. You should also make sure that the tasks you assign them are safe and don’t put them at risk of injury.

Involving your children in your freelance work can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your children. By teaching them about the importance of work and teamwork, you can help prepare them for the future while also strengthening your family bond.

Having A Balance In Work When Raising A Family is Crucial

Finding a healthy balance between work and family is important for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for freelancers who often work from home and don’t have a clear separation between their personal and professional lives. When raising a family, it’s crucial to prioritize both work and family time to maintain a healthy balance and avoid burnout.

One way to achieve this balance is by setting clear boundaries between work and family time. This means creating a designated workspace and avoiding distractions during work hours. It also means setting specific times for family activities and avoiding work-related interruptions during that time. By doing this, freelancers can improve their ability to focus on their work and be present for their families.

Creating a schedule is also crucial for maintaining balance. This means setting aside specific hours for work and sticking to them. It also means setting aside designated family time and being present during that time. By creating a schedule and sticking to it, freelancers can establish a routine that allows them to balance their work and family responsibilities effectively.

Another important aspect of balancing work and family is being flexible when necessary. While having a schedule and clear boundaries is important, unexpected events can arise that require freelancers to be flexible with their work hours. By having realistic expectations and being open to adjusting their schedule when necessary, freelancers can ensure that they are meeting their professional and family obligations without sacrificing one for the other.

Listing Up Your Tasks Is Crucial For Freelancers with Kids 

Freelancer balancing work and parenting

Prioritizing your tasks is also crucial for freelancers with kids when balancing work and family responsibilities. It’s critical to focus on the most important and urgent tasks first, then move on to the less urgent ones.

This can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or guilty for not being able to complete all your tasks in a day and can prevent burnout. It’s also helpful to take breaks and practice self-care during the day.

To take care of your well-being and increase productivity, going for a walk, exercising, or meditating can help you recharge and boost your productivity.

Prioritizing Self-care

Maintaining a healthy balance is crucial for freelancers to avoid burnout and maintain sustainable productivity. It’s not uncommon for freelancers to work long hours to meet project deadlines or manage multiple clients, which can take a toll on their physical and mental health. However, taking regular breaks and prioritizing self-care can help freelancers recharge and maintain their energy levels throughout the day.

Incorporating self-care activities into your routine can also improve your overall well-being, leading to a more positive outlook on life and work. For instance, engaging in regular exercise can boost endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. Practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga can help reduce anxiety, increase resilience, and promote emotional stability.

The Benefits Of Freelancing With Kids

However, freelancing with kids has its benefits too. Freelancers who have children enjoy the flexibility to work according to their schedules, take breaks when needed, and spend more time with their families.

They can adjust their workload based on their child’s needs, work around their school schedules or extracurricular activities, and even take them to work-related events or trips. Freelancers with children also have the opportunity to model healthy work habits, such as time management, goal setting, and self-care, to their children.

While freelancing with kids can be challenging, it’s also a rewarding experience that can help you achieve a better work-life balance. By following the tips mentioned above and adapting them to your situation, you can create a sustainable and fulfilling routine that works for you and your family.

Remember that having a balance between work and family is crucial for your mental and physical health, your relationships, and your overall happiness.

In conclusion, freelancing with kids requires a certain level of discipline and planning. However, it also provides a unique opportunity to spend more time with your family while still pursuing your professional goals. By following these tips and tricks, you can create a successful and fulfilling career as a freelancer while also enjoying quality time with your loved ones.

Freelancing with kids is a unique experience that requires creativity, flexibility, and patience. It’s not always easy, but it’s possible to make it work by setting clear boundaries, creating a dedicated workspace, outsourcing when possible, prioritizing your tasks, taking breaks practicing self-care, and involving your child in your work. By finding a balance between your work and family life, you can enjoy the best of both worlds and create a fulfilling and meaningful career.

See more articles by Carla Fattal.