
3 Psychological Facts That Lead Businesses to Success

A new year has just begun, what better opportunity to integrate improvements that drive your company to success? Don’t put off what you can take care of right now. For that reason, we bring you some information that can be used to rethink some of your policies, or in general, optimize the operation of your group dynamics.

When creating a business, it’s not only about recruiting great skilled talent and having a well-equipped workspace, but the most important part is about the environment.

Proactively supporting and caring about each member of the team’s mental health and personal development, in the long run, is going to be even more effective for the business than over-pressuring them and creating what we call, a toxic working environment.

Here are 3 things to keep in mind to avoid having that toxic environment, and creating your path through success! 

Healthy Workspace, Healthy Team = Successful Business

Supporting each member of the team and genuinely caring about their well-being increases engagement and productivity, both keys to succeeding.

Everyone knows you grow the most where you feel loved, and even if we are talking about a working environment, if you feel comfortable and secure in this zone, you’ll excel in any task, and you will always feel motivated to improve, so you can offer more and more to this business, you feel proud to be a part of. 

A freelancer standing and smiling

That’s why we care about each freelancer in our team, and we look forward to keeping healthy relationships with each other.

We show our support by having group meals from time to time where everyone can meet each other and enjoy some bonding time.

Plus, we developed a program to help our freelancers grow in their personal goals and we always strive for win-win deals, offering the best services and guaranteeing our team to have the remuneration they deserve.

As a business, and as a team, we aim to have a working culture that reduces stress and maintains our freelancers’ mental well-being, helping them improve their resilience and coping skills to manage everyday challenges, even if they’re personal, financial, or professional. We care about being a good team. And when there’s a good team, there’s good execution.


Even if our team consists of freelancers, we value commitment and engagement to our business very much. We involve our team members in our work organization and make them feel, and know, they are as important to the business, as tires are for cars.

We make our teammates feel not as much as employees but as associates, working alongside them to provide cost-effective service to any client in need. Again, win-win deals. 

Harvard Business Review conducted research proving that the most productive staff members were the most engaged ones. The study also found that 71% of managers value employee engagement as one of the most important factors that lead companies to success.

Team members who are engaged, who feel like an important part of the business, are more likely to be productive, consistent, and hard-working, investing their time and energy in their jobs so they can always have greater quality results. While disengaged members will just do what’s needed to get by.


Healthy workspaces lead to engaged team members, and engaged team members feel motivated to be productive, to always put in their best effort, and to improve their skills, abilities, and knowledge to perform their jobs in a better way. Having motivated freelancers allows us to grow towards an even more successful business every day.

We’ve proven that motivated freelancers are more likely to be truthful and honest since they want what’s best for the business, and also what’s best for themselves, which are concepts that aren’t separated from each other. This has led to an incredible increase in productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction in any part of the business team in the past few months.

We can guarantee you, that making your employees or staff members feel important and valued, will help you succeed. So, even if it takes time and organization to improve your co-workers, employees, or teammates’ working satisfaction, invest in it, you won’t have to regret not doing it in the long run.

You can learn more about our working psychology tips that have led us to where we’re standing right now by following us on Instagram or YouTube! Remember, psychology and mental health are tremendously important when it comes to creating proper workspaces, and dealing with groups of people.

Modern businesses know and consider this, don’t be the one who gets left behind. Be open to change and to gaining more knowledge! You’ll find a lot more information on these interesting topics on our blog page

See more articles by Andrea Corona.