
5 Tips to Stay Organized at Work

For someone who’s just starting with a brand new job (and an even newer set of responsibilities), learning how to successfully manage their duties might mark the difference between an optimal and satisfactory workflow, and a non-productive one. Looking for organization tips is only natural in this scenario.

To put it simply, modern-day companies value time a lot, which means they’re always looking for people who can triumphantly accomplish the tasks they’re given within a specific amount of time.

Of course, this unceasing search for productiveness doesn’t always come empty-handed, as it is no longer a secret that work-related feelings of distress and constant tension tend to slither amongst the halls of most professional environments around the world, from the lowest ranks to the ones that stack up above.

In most cases, said constraints can actually be worked on by the employees themselves in order to avoid mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion, by applying one of the following tips:

Set a Routine Beforehand

For some, the word ‘routine’ can sometimes hold a self-defeating weight to its meaning due to the lack of deviation and excitement it represents, but as counterintuitive as it might sound, having a fixed schedule during working hours boosts productivity and therefore, morale, once every activity for the day sits concluded on your calendar by the time you had envisioned it.

Self-imposing day-to-day deadlines can improve one’s motivation on every task even if there isn’t a real time limit to begin with.

Needless to say, regular breaks should also be included in one’s timetable to let your creative juices run once more. Maybe, try to make your next work schedule function around the well-known Pomodoro Technique and you’ll see how beneficial setting a particular hour for every activity can be.

Engage Projects More Effectively

Different approaches lead to different results, and every so often, we can find a way that gets us the desired outcome without having to have walked the full marathon; as Alex F. Morgenstern famously suggested: ‘work smarter, not harder’. 

Just like we’ve discussed before, time management is essential, especially if you’re a freelancer, that’s why actively searching for a better and more effective way to complete a task will only brighten the rest of your day up – you won’t only have reduced the steps needed to end an isolated undertaking, but you will also find a way to save more time whenever a similar scenario comes up.

Time and wit are some of the most valuable resources a freelancer has, so why not make them complement each other in order to make the most out of every situation?

Make Use of Every Asset Available

We freelancers should not be strangers to all of the technological advancements that constantly revolutionize the business world. Maintaining our profiles up to date with the digital platforms that are currently used keeps up on a par with any job future clients would like to get done.

Adapting is key in this ever-so-changing era of computers and online marketing plans, so we have to make use of every tool at one’s disposal.

Whether it is the company-owned equipment that lets us contact and directly video call clients from the comfort of a well-furnished, properly-disinfected office, or something as simple and crucial as our cellphone to never lose touch with those who work alongside us even if we’re at home.

Determine Your Priorities

A freelancer in a web meeting at the office

There’s nothing more overwhelming than starting the day with dozens of projects in mind, especially if all of them are subconsciously labeled as ‘urgent’ in the back of your brain; things that you know must be done and want to be checked out of your mental to-do list as soon as possible.

We’ve all been in situations like these, but how should we work through them? Well, that’s where prioritizing tasks comes into play. Using something as simple as a MoSCoW Prioritization list can do the trick during those days at work in which you feel every deadline creeping in and yet haven’t accomplished any fundamental progress.

Separating the tasks in groups and making them fit into one of the box’s criteria could just be how you get your next couple of projects done! It all comes down to properly differentiating the critical tasks from the trivial ones.

Additionally, don’t be afraid of respectfully delegating tasks among your teammates, maybe they’ll know how to work on things you previously had no idea how to even start with.

Teamwork Makes It Work

The greatest enterprises in the world were never fully built by a single hand, and as competitive and ruthless modern-day businesspeople can be, counting on a well-balanced and trustworthy team makes your work life much easier. As Henry Ford once said:

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

Only people who’ve tackled really ambitious projects by themselves can tell you how difficult it was to get there alone (if not impossible), and how much sooner they would’ve gotten there had they known the perfect person to work side by side with.

If you already count on a fully capable set of reliable people, try cultivating your professional relationships with them, after all, not everybody is out for your throat these days.

So, have you got no team to rely on yet? That’s okay; there’ll eventually be a comfortable workplace for you just like we believe there should be for everybody, but if you’re a skilled freelancer looking forward to making that change promptly, try your luck with us and experience first-hand how our Onboarding Process takes place.

Conclusively, if you always start your shift with the question “Where shall I begin?” hanging over your head and let anxiety-driven thoughts decide your actions at the office, maybe it’s time for you to evaluate the way you manage your time and responsibilities and put into practice one of the advice given here to enhance your performance at work.

Make sure to follow us on our social media and check out our other posts on our blog for more useful information written by our own experienced freelancers!

See more articles by Jenaro Perdomo.