
Why Latin America Is The Best Outsourcing Option for US Companies

In the midst of 2022 “Outsourcing” is no longer a foreign term for anyone. Facing the peak of the remote work era, it’s become more and more common for companies to look for valuable employee talent outside their own country. Maybe hiring a full-time remote employee, or a freelancer to take care of a specific project.  

And that last part is exactly what outsourcing is. In more specific words, “Outsourcing is the business practice of contracting with an outside party to take care of certain tasks instead of hiring new employees or assigning those tasks to existing staff.” Not only helps your business to lower operational costs but also allows your team to focus on handling more important and urgent tasks. 

Outsourcing brings many benefits to your team, such as lower costs, increased efficiency, access to a higher variety of skills and resources, and the list goes on and on. The benefits of outsourcing are so many that the question is not whether or not to outsource anymore, but where

There are thousands of companies out there, and each of them is in plenty of different countries. With so many options it is hard to even know where you should start looking, where is the company that is best suited to meet your needs? 

Well, if you are in North America, more specifically in the US, there’s a higher chance that the company you are looking for is placed in Latin America, and in this article, I’m going to tell you why you, as an American-based company, should choose Latin America as your best outsourcing option!

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits: 

Benefits Of Outsourcing To Latin America

Latin America has so much to offer, even so, that today, many top US-based companies are more progressively looking at Latin America as a potential offshore center for their future projects. 

This is what makes Latin America so attractive for US companies:

1. Similar Time Zones

Time zones are a big issue when outsourcing to another country; places like India and China have different time zones when compared to The US, and this time difference can cause misunderstanding when delivering results, reporting, etc. 

However, when compared to the Latin American timelines, the difference is either very little or completely inexistent. This significantly reduced time difference allows much lesser response time between teams, enables a quicker resolution of issues, and improves synchronicity and cooperation with your team, which allows better accountability and improved results. 

Communication is commonly one of the biggest cons when considering outsourcing. However, choosing Latin American countries eradicates this issue completely. 

2. Reach A Bigger Audience:

The US, being such a big country as it is, and also being so close to Mexico, has a really big percentage of the Spanish-speaking population. In fact, around 13% of its population are native Spanish speakers. 

This means considering bilingual staff for positions such as customer service, sales representative, sales development, etc. Will only improve the chances of better connecting with customers and possible leads, allowing you to focus on nurturing a different target persona and, hopefully, help you build the steps to a possible international expansion. 

Why wouldn’t you outsource a worker who, by speaking fluently in at least two languages, can help you connect with double the customers? 

3. English Proficiency

Believe it or not, English proficiency is one of the main reasons to outsource in Latin America. English as a second language is a hot topic in Latino American countries, many Latinos aspire to work for international companies and so the percentage of Latino American citizens learning English is on the rise. This is one of the reasons why Latin American countries have started investing more in English language training, surpassing countries like China and India when it comes to English proficiency. 

4. Cost-effectiveness

Woman enjoying her work on her laptop.

Cost-effectiveness is one of the values we are proud of the most in Freelance Latin America. And even though it shouldn’t be the only factor when considering outsourcing, we are aware that it plays an important role when making the final decision.

Fortunately, this is one of the strongest benefits of outsourcing to Latin America. It can be in tech, customer service, sales, administrative positions, etc. We are proud of bringing value to our clients, we are proud of giving them cost-effective solutions to their needs.

How Can You Start Outsourcing To Latin America? 

If you are looking for the best talent available in countries like Venezuela, Colombia, and Argentina, we got you covered! We are the best outsourcing partner you can find in Latin America, and for a cost-effective price, we can match you with the freelancer or freelancers that best fit your needs, not only assuring quality workers but also providing you and them with any tools they might need to get the job done. 

Whether big or small, if you are looking to outsource your projects we’ll be more than happy to work with you! 

Reach out to learn more.

See more articles by Ender Cárdenas.