
Why Freelancing Needs Collaboration

When researching work-related topics, we almost always find articles highlighting the value of collaboration or the great benefits of teamwork, having a healthy work environment, and getting along relatively well with colleagues.

However, when it comes to freelancing, there is not much information about any topic that is not individualistic or about a singular person. It’s as if these two terms (collaboration and freelancing) were never related when beautiful things can be achieved by doing so.

In our company, we handle a concept of freelancing that is a little different from what is commonly known. When someone says “freelancer,” indeed, the first thing that comes to your mind is a person working from home with a laptop and doing sporadic jobs for some mysterious stranger over the Internet, with no collaboration other than client and worker cooperating to get good results.

Very distant from what you could achieve by walking through one of our offices, where on a typical day you could find more than three people at their respective workstations, fulfilling their tasks and during breaks exchanging words with each other to keep clear.

And it’s that freelancing doesn’t necessarily have to be individualistic and lonely. You can also create a great work team in which services are offered freelance. In this case, collaboration is undoubtedly a fundamental pillar in the proper functioning of the organization.

Does it seem very strange to you? Let’s see. Let’s review.

What is Collaboration? 

We understand collaboration as “the ability to balance one’s needs with someone else’s. It means a joint effort—a satisfying and beneficial give-and-take for all those involved.” A  collaborative person is willing to work with others nicely or work together towards achieving a common goal by sharing and exchanging ideas, supporting and helping each other out, and providing the space for mutual learning and growth to reach that final objective.

So far, it sounds great, right? A collaborative person is the co-worker that we all want to have. However, it’s understandable that most people who want to start working as freelancers are not exactly interested in how good a partner someone can be or in learning how to work as a team.

But before you judge this, let me show you how these two ideas are related, and you will see why it is so important to learn about them.

Freelancing And Collaborating 

Freelancing, by definition, means to work as an independent company rather than being employed by someone else. It means to be an independent contractor. So, of course, being hired by an outsourcing company doesn’t exactly match this definition.

But, even though being part of a team of freelancers, you are part of an organization, you still have great independence about your hours and work method: the company works as a bridge between you and your client, and in some cases, it does not you are the only freelancer hired to meet the needs of that client, and you become part of a team. That’s where collaboration comes in.

Take, for example, our team of Data Coordinators. We have a client in Switzerland whose company works with a system that requires the help of not only one or two freelancers but approximately 40. They all work in different time blocks, each according to the block that best suits them, and they work alongside other colleagues when carrying out assigned tasks.

They have both sides of the coin, and without good team collaboration, they would not be able to deliver an excellent job to the client or enjoy a good company environment.

In cases like this, which may be more common than you think in outsourcing companies, it’s essential that freelancers. However, their initial premise is independence, freedom, and individualism. They have the necessary soft skills to collaborate with their peers, help promote a good work environment, and support each other when performing tasks.

So, to have a good work experience and adequately comply with the service you offer, you need to know how to mix the benefits of independent work as a freelancer with social collaboration in a group.

Benefits Of Integrating Them 

Once we have clarified how one can be a freelancer even while in a workgroup, we must explain that not all workgroups are confirmed teams. The fundamental difference between these two lies in the members’ attitudes and headspace.

That’s why collaboration is so valuable in this regard: it distinguishes between being a group that works together out of sheer commitment or being a team that supports each other toward success.

Use of Skills 

By collaborating, the freelance team members can make better use of their skills depending on what is necessary for the assigned work. When a team has different people, they all have something positive to contribute. This will increase the chances of everyone getting their work done in better quality in less time.

Better Communication 

A collaborative team undoubtedly has better communication. This helps not only the group directly, but the entire organization in general. First-hand benefits the group of freelancers who are working together, since through their good communication they will be able to facilitate the work, either by delegating tasks or debating to find solutions, if not it also helps to promote a more expressive environment and active listening at a general level in the company.

Maintaining an open communication channel is essential for the operation of any business, whether between client and freelancer and even more so between client – bridge – freelancer.

Speeds Solutions Up 

Collaboration fosters motivation. Why? Nobody likes to work in a group in which they feel that they are the only person who makes an effort; on the contrary, seeing that all the members invest the same amount of energy and commitment to the cause is inspiring.

Anyone who is working motivated will find that her performance will improve immensely. With this, the quality and productivity increase, and also the ability to solve the unforeseen events that arise.

By feeling inspired to work, and not distracted by personal issues that could emerge working in a disharmonious environment (such as rivalries or resentments), people can direct their focus directly toward taking action, and solutions, rather than ignoring the problem or complaining and blaming someone else. Part of collaborating with a team is taking responsibility and being considerate of others.

I think the saying that encompasses this entire article in a few words is, that two heads think better than one. Without a doubt, there is excellent potential in freelance teams that you have to know how to take advantage of. And, if you are starting your career as a freelancer and you are looking more than anything to gain experience and learn, without a doubt it is the perfect way for you.

By working in a collaborative team you can learn, gain more experience and at the same time enjoy the benefits of being a freelancer. You just have to take the step and start!

See more articles by Andrea Corona.